30 novembro 2008

dança na espanha

Ta, não consegui te enviar as informações por email, nem deixar recado no teu blogger. Espero que você leia este post e que lhe seja útil:

Luis e Adriana se apresentam em Palma de Mallorca:

Terça dia 2, Clube del Choro De Mallorca
Paseo Marítmo 27 - Palma
Samba de Gafieira, Samba no Pé e Forró

Quarta dia 3, Centro Cultural "O Casarão"
Aragón, 74 1o, Casa Gegê
Samba de Gafieira, Samba no Pé e Forró
das 20:30 aas 23:00

Quinta dia 4, Centro Cultural "O Casarão"
Aragón, 74 1o, Casa Gegê
das 20:30 aas 22:30

Informações e inscrições
628 280 711 Danieli
609 952 682 Esther

De 5 a 7 de dezembro, eles estarão no III Festival de Zouk: http://www.spiraldancerszouk.com/

Se obtiver mais informações, publico por aqui.

19 novembro 2008

mais um anúncio, em outro grupo

Dois link com coreografias deles:
Zouk demo e Improviso em Samba Lento


ABOUT THE TEACHERS: Luís Florião researches the Brazilian dances since 1987, and, together with Adriana D´Acri, teaches social dances since 1993. Specialized in Samba, Forró and Lambada (also named Carioca Zouk), they have given workshops and demos in the most important meetings and congresses of Brazilian Dances in the majority of Brazilian states and also in several countries like Argentina, England, Germany, Holland, Peru, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland. They are dedicated to the diffusion and teaching of the most representative dances of Brazil, with great care in relation to the original traditions as well as to the areas of modern techniques. This couple is responsible for diverse projects such as the "Sindicato da Dança School" (founded in 1995) and the Br Dances - International Congress of Brazilian Dances (first edition in 1995). Luís is also the president of the Andanças - Nacional Association of Social Dances, and a member of the Nacional Forum of Dance.

Thursday 20 November lessons in Utrecht
Club El Brilliante,
ZoukZone: Address, Biltstraat 337
* 19.30 hrs: Zouk beginners 3 -
Intermediate (Luis & Adriana)
* 20.30 hrs: Zouk beginners 1 & 2 (Renate & Eva)
* 21.30hrs: Zouk Intermediate - Advanced (Luis & Adriana)

Friday 21 November available for private classes,
* Interested?? Call 06-41179916.

14.00-15.00 hours Zouk beginners (level 1-3)
15.15-16.15 hours Zouk intermediate (levels 4-6)
16.30-17.30 hours Zouk advanced (levels 7 & higher)
17.45-18.45 hours Gafieira intermediate/advanced
All by Luis & Adriana
Price: Euro 10,- per workshop
Location: BraSaZouk, Willem Fenengastraat 12 in Amsterdam

Sunday 23 November lessons in Den Haag!!!
Dance school SalsAventura / ZoukZone
Address: Torenstraat 4, Den Haag City Centre
* 18.00 hrs: Zouk Advanced (Luis & Adriana)
* 20.00 hrs: Zouk Beginners 3 - Intermediate (Luis & Adriana)

Monday 24 November lessons in Den Haag!!!
Club Mundial, ZoukZone
Address: Bleijenburg 9-11, Den Haag City Centre
nearby CS Train station Den Haag
* 21.00 hrs: Zouk Advanced - Masters (Luis & Adriana)

09 novembro 2008

apresentações de dança

Quinta-feira fiquei sabendo do workshop e apresentação deles em Zoetermeer no sábado passado. Na sexta, no trabalho, não tive tempo de por aqui no blog (mandei pra alguns sites e pelo Orkut). Eu fui com o Pim e dançamos bastante. Foi bom matar as saudades dos professores. Hoje trouxemos os dois para passear em Leiden e jantar aqui em casa, entre uma aula particular de tarde e mais uma apresentação de noite, em Amsterdam.

Hoje já estou recebendo os horários da semana que vem. Eles estão se apresentando por toda a Holanda: de Almere a Tilburg, de Amsterdam a Zoetermeer.

November 2008 The Netherlands: One week more !!
Guest lessons by Luis & Adriana! (Brazil)

Tour Schedule

Monday November 10th (Almere - Burnet)
20:00-21:00 Workshop Zouk Beginners 3
21:00-22:00 Workshop Zouk Intermediate

Theusday November 11th (Zoetermeer - Kaptein)
20:30-21:30 Workshop Zouk Beginners 3
21:30-22:30 Workshop Zouk Advanced

Thursday November 13th (Tilburg - Boleyn)
20:00-21:00 Workshop Zouk Beginners 3
21:00-22:00 Workshop Zouk Intermediate
22:00-23:00 Workshop Zouk Advanced

Friday November
14th (Utrecht - De Dansvloer)
20:30-21:30 Workshop Zouk Beginners 3
21:30-22:30 Workshop Zouk Intermediate/Advanced

November 15th (Amsterdam - Mirror Centre)
21:30-22:30 Workshop Samba de Gafieira Intermediate
(only 7 euro including Brazilicious party!)

Workshops 10 euro each!

From tuesday november 3rd till saturday november 15th during the day lots of opportunities for private lessons. Call the ZoukLovers or send an email!